What is piracy?
Software piracy is the practice of changing hardware and software to accomplish a goal beyond the original intent of the creator. Hacking is the art of exploiting the gaps and shortcomings in the software / module. As the word "hack" has been used to describe someone who is incompetent in his profession, some hackers say that this term is offensive and does not adequately recognize their skills.
Who is a Hacker?
A White Hat Hacker Hacker or also known as Ethical Hacker is a computer security expert who specializes in penetration testing and other testing methods to ensure that information systems is a safe business. These people are employed by companies in which these professionals are sometimes called sneakers.
What is a cookie?
Black hat hackers, who can also be called crackers are hackers who specialize in unauthorized access to computer systems. They can use your computer to attack systems, non-profit, fun, inspired by political motives or as part of social cause. Such penetration often changes and / or destruction of data, and takes place without permission. They can also spread viruses, worms, spam and provide means of botnets.
What is a script kiddy?
Script kiddy is a cracker wannabe. These individuals have the knowledge of how a computer works, but they use a well known and easy to find programs or scripts that get into your computer to steal porn, music, spam, etc.
What skills do I can be a hacker?
There is no magic to piracy, but like everything else worthwhile requires dedication, willingness to learn. It is very important to have a good knowledge of topics such as the operating system and working, computer networks, computer security and programming courses. It is not possible to be a hacker overnight. It is the skill that develops over a long period.
What is the best way to learn hacking?
The best way to learn how to start hacking is to learn the basics of hacking at the moment. There are many books on software piracy that are available today. But before you start to learn the details that have programming skills and basic knowledge for the security of your computer. Internet is the best source to learn hacking.
How I can protect my computer from being hacked?
Have basic knowledge of computer science and related topics, such as viruses, Trojans, spyware, phishing, etc. is more than enough to protect your computer. Install a good antivirus and firewall.