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Thursday, April 21, 2011

WiFi Hacking

WiFi is a wireless internet use, cables are not needed and it was originally designed for use with laptops and mobile phones. WI-FI has become increasingly popular due to the lack of cables and cheap installation costs. Many people now use WiFi instead of the normal Internet connection. Disadvantages include WI-FI WI-FI that can be easily hacked. The most common form of encryption for the Wi-Fi can only be hacked, even if it is properly configured. There are people who travel around a laptop looking Wi-Fi connection with no guarantee that can be hacked.

Using these methods, a person could "fly" using the Internet to someone else and break into files with ease. Thus, many hackers use other people to break WI FI connections secure access to files which a connection can be more difficult to trace them as it is wireless, and on behalf of another person. This type of piracy can be severe if firms have important files using WI FI sensitive information involved in the files can be easily accessed by a hacker. There have been convictions of this type of piracy. COMPUTER REPAIR HOME STUDY (BUY HERE )Click Here!

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