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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


How do I get e-mail account hacked?

It can be a nightmare if someone hacks and take control of your e-mail, because it may contain confidential information such as account identifiers, credit card information and other sensitive information. If you are such an Internet user whose email account was compromised, so this post will surely help you. In this post, you will find possible means and procedures to retrieve your mail account hacked.

For Gmail:

It can be a great disaster if your account has been compromised, it may be associated with multiple services such as Blogger, Google Analytics, Adwords, Adsense, etc Orkut loss of access to your Gmail account is losing access to all services associated with too. Here is a list of possible recovery actions that can be tested.

Step -1: Try to reset your password because it is the best way to get your account back in action. In this process, Google may ask you to answer the secret question or send information you can reset the password to the email address associated with your secondary account compromised. You can reset your password using the link below

Gmail Link Reset Password

If you can not find the success of Phase-1, then go to step 2.

Step 2: On several occasions, the hacker changed the security question and secondary right email address after the account is compromised. That's why the password reset process to fail. If this is the case, then you should contact the Gmail support team has complete recovery. This form will ask you to complete all the questions

1. The e-mail up to five email contacts often

2. The names of the four stamps that you created in your account

3. List of other services associated with a compromised account

4. Your date of last successful login

5. Account creation date

6. Last password you can remember and many more ...

You must complete this form as accurately as possible. It is obvious to forget the dates of last login, account creation and other similar expressions. But you must find the earliest date possible answers and fill in this form. This is your last chance! The most accurate information is filled in the form of collection, the more chance of getting your account back. You can access the account recovery provides the following link

Account Recovery Form
Email Hacked?
For Yahoo and Hotmail

Unfortunately, the Yahoo / Hotmail, there is no other choice but to fill out the form or contact our support team. All you have to do is answer questions is the secret that you set, or reset the password using a secondary e-mail option.

To start resetting your password, click on the link Forgot Password on the login page and move to the onscreen instructions.

I hope this post will help you recover the account of the loss. I recommend you also read my post on how to protect your email account is hacked and tips to find unauthorized activity on your Gmail account in order to be always safe!

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