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Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Detect IP Addresses Anonymous

Fraudsters now becoming more sophisticated circumvention of geo-location control through proxies (Anonymous IP) to forge their IP address, it became very necessary to find a way to detect proxies, so that the authenticity user is verified. By using a proxy (web proxy) is the most simple and easy to hide the IP address of an Internet user and maintain online privacy. But power is more widespread by online scammers to commit cyber crime, since it is the easiest way to hide their location, city / country with a fake IP address. Here are some examples where fraudsters are using proxies to hide their IP Address.

1. The credit card fraud

For example, say a Nigerian scammer trying to purchase items online with a stolen credit card as the billing address associated with New York. Most credit card transactions using the geo-localization of blocking orders from countries like Nigeria and other countries at high risk. So to circumvent this limitation, credit card fraudster uses a proxy to spoof his IP address, it seems to have come from New York. IP address appears legitimate, because it is in the same city as the billing address. A proxy is needed to check mark that order.

2. Restrictions Bypass Country Website

Some of the services on the site are limited to users as a list of selected countries. For example, a paid survey can not be limited to countries like the United States and Canada. Thus, a user must say that China can use a proxy to make your IP appear to come from U.S. so you can make to participate in the paid survey.

Proxy Detection Services

So to avoid these online scams, the proxy detection has become a key component. Today most, companies, merchants and credit card websites that deal with e-commerce transactions using proxy services like MaxMind Detection and FraudLabs to detect the use of a proxy server or a fake IP users participating in the network.

Proxy Detection Web Service allows instant detection of anonymous IP addresses. Although the use of the proxy address for the users is not a direct indication of fraudulent behavior can often indicate the user's intention to hide your real IP. In fact, some providers of Internet services used, such as AOL and MSN are the forms of representation and are used by consumers, good and bad.

How does the proxy detection?

Proxy registration services are often based on IP addresses to determine whether or not IP is a proxy. Merchants can get the IP address of users of the HTTP header order to visit their website. This IP address is sent to the service proxy detection in real time to confirm its authenticity.

The proxy registration services, secondly, to compare this IP address to a known list of IP addresses belonging to flag proxy services. If the IP is not specified, it is approved and confirmation is returned to the merchant. Otherwise, it is reported as a proxy suspects. These proxy registration services are constantly working to get a list or range of IP addresses that are commonly used for proxy services. With this, it is possible to tell if a given IP address is a proxy IP or falsified.

How can you tell if a given IP address is real or proxy?

There are some free sites that allow you to determine whether a particular IP is a power of attorney. You can use free services such as WhatisMyIPAddress identify the proxy server. Enter the IP field suspicion and click "Search IP Address" to check the IP address. If it is suspected of being a proxy so you can see the results of something like the following.
Detect Anonymous Proxy
So for all those who think they can run away with fake IP, this message is the answer. Hope this information helps. Pass comments.

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